Monday, November 17, 2008

My Aunt's Funeral

My sweet and precious Aunt Jennifer passed away November 5th. She was a wonderful woman with 4 precious children and a husband that she left behind. She had been very sick for 5 years with a very rare disease called Scleroderma. It slowly makes your body deteriorate. She was in pain almost the whole time. She finally lost her battle in Chicago, Illinois, where she had just undergone a stem cell transplant. The transplant was successful, but she got very sick and just didn't make it.

Jennifer was a very happy person who passed her happiness onto everyone else. She always had a compliment for anyone who walked her way and even when she was at her worse she would still ask how your family was doing. This wonderful woman is truly missed, and will be missed until we get to see her again. She meant a lot to everyone and her family really misses her.
I will never forget all the times we went to see her, and how much her and I had in common. We both had a love for clothes and shopping. Sometimes my mom wondered if I should have been her child. Whenever we would go to Arizona to visit, she would always make me pull out all of my shoes and clothes and show them to her. Of course I never argued because we had so much fun. Even when she was sick and in horrible pain, she was still so much fun to be around. She accomplished all of her goals when it came to her children. She wanted so much to be a great mom, and she excelled in that. She was a great wife, mother, sister, dauther and aunt. It's hard to think that there will be many years now in between when we all get to see her again.
What matters the most is that she is out of pain and is not suffering anymore. She is finally able to have use of her hands again and not be in pain. That makes all of us feel better to know she is not suffering. My Grammy who was in Arizona a lot these past 5 years, practically living there, was glad to not have to watch her daughter suffer anymore. She is very sad that she is gone, but I couldn't imagine watching my child in that much pain for so long. I think we've all come to terms that she is feeling better. We are so grateful for all the prayers that have been said for this family in the last 5 years. Jennifer, you will truly be missed. We love you!!

1 comment:

Brianne Heiner said...

I'm sorry Nicole! I know how much you guys loved her. I can remember you talking about her from along time ago.