This is one of my favorite pictures from christmas......Jaxon always takes his pants and underwear off when he goes to sleep....he never keeps them on no matter what I do. So christmas morning they were looking at all of their toys and his shirt raised up and I got the perfect shot of the cute butt!!!
Papa Truck(Jon's Dad) Got the boys some really cool Tanks which of course was one of the favorite toys for quite a while!! He got them both the same one so that they wouldn't fight over them....but guess what?? THEY STILL DO!!!
Roman got his hair cut the other day, and Nikki(steven's practically wife) who does his hair put green hair gel in.....which of course is his favorite color.....he loved it....THANKS NIKKI!!
Jaxon has been extremely obsessed with choo choo's as he calls them lately...its all he talks about...he took that picture of Choo Choo Yeyyow(yellow). He calls it that because of the Number 1 on it is yellow. And then he calls his little choo choo.....Choo Choo Peep. We don't know how he came up with that name, he just did!! So cute right?
This is my neice Chloe....cutest girl ever right?? She of course took a great candid photo here which I absolutely love!!
Jon and I had our 3 Year Wedding. anniversary in January....and we will have been together for 5 Years in April!!